When it comes to life, there are so many philosophies and mindsets that people approach life with. Some people like to take risks, some like to play it safe and some are in between. Even the same person might change how they approach life based on the phase where they are. An ambitious risk taker might not take the same risks when they are older, or when they have responsibilities. Someone who played it safe all their life might go ALL IN, if they happen to lose everything and there is nothing more to lose. Going all in, or partially in, or not in at all depends a lot on the context. However, regardless of the amount of risk that one takes, it always helps to have a goal to get what you want. Not just another goal, but a big fat goal. Let me explain. Throughout my life, I have been using the different approaches that I specified above. There were times that I just accepted my fate and went with the flow. Times, when I took one step at a time and improved my situation. And finall
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